This is the video Jana referenced in yesterday’s vlog. Powerful stuff about lies vs. truth.
Jana Spicka
Do You Want Transformation?
Jana asks if you really, really want to be different? God wants to be the transforming power in our lives.
What’s Your Excuse?
I love how Seth Godin just cuts through the crap to ask serious questions. Here is an excerpt from his blog.
You don’t know what to do
You don’t know how to do it
You don’t have the authority or the resources to do it
You’re afraid
Once you figure out what’s getting in the way, it’s far easier to find the answer (or decide to work on a different problem).
Stuck is a state of mind, and it’s curable.
All I can add to this is AMEN and AMEN!!! When you evaluate these statements honestly without the drama and B.S. it enables you to live and move differently. And secondly, when you present any or all of these questions to the Lord, He is able to speak truth and lead in power.
You know, God is not stuck. Ever. Ever. Ev-er. So we can find our shelter, our direction, our provision and our hope in Him. Do the hard work. Identify which one of these stops you and then press in to the truth. You will find more and more over time that being stuck is curable. And Jesus is the healer…
Sweetly Broken – Abortion Healing
Sweetly Broken
Finally find freedom with yourself, God and others about your abortion.
“I thought I was over it.”
“I’ve never told anyone.”
“I’m afraid God is punishing me.”
“How can I make this right?”
“How can I forgive….?”
We know how you feel. We have been there too. Through the fear, nightmares, denial, anger and regrets.
But we have passed through to a new place called peace, and true forgiveness. We are still sad about the fact of our past, but we are no longer held captive by it.
God has shown us there is beauty in our brokenness.
We invite you to a tender, honest and safe weekend to hear about how to walk forward in freedom.
What you can expect:
Time to process, time to worship, time to hear truth, time to be honest, time to sort out what’s next?
Teaching and materials by Jana Spicka. Assisted by Alexa Stephenson.
2 night’s lodging in a large spacious chalet.
Check in at 3pm. Check out at 11am.
Heated pool on site.
Four meals and snacks. Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday morning. (Friday night dinner is on your own before first session.)
This is an intimate gathering limited to 12 women. Click here to register now or become a donor.
$40 per Woman Attending Retreat
$100 Donor/Prayer Partner
We want every woman who needs to come, to be able to come but they need your help spiritually and financially. We want every women who comes to have a prayer warrior standing with her in spirit, and to help her bear the burden of the cost. Will you invest your prayers and your funds in another woman’s freedom?
Join us for this unique retreat held at Smoky Mountain Christian Village, a beautiful complex out of the traffic zone of Pigeon Forge, TN.
Monday Minute: The Abundant, Giving God
Jana talks about how receiving the abundance of God is a process and one that requires our hearts to look and respond to God.
Monday Minute: In a Word, Enjoyment
Jana explains how the Lord enjoys us and doing life with us. And how that changes us in profound ways.
Reading the Road Signs Well
I love the whole process of going on a trip. It forces me to examine what I really do and do not need. It also exposes props that I use to make myself comfortable, or worse, presentable. However, when you try to get four people in a small car, your props sometimes have to go. I have to admit, though, deep down I like the freedom that comes without the extra baggage. I remember when Chuck and I went to Paris for 10 days and each of us only took one carry on bag. It was wonderful to roll through customs without lugging more “necessities.” Beach trips are even better. Swimsuit, sunscreen, sundresses, towels, books, lotion, toothbrush, done.
Which brings me to the question rolling around in my head. What is it we really need? We spend our lives on the supposed “necessities” and wear ourselves out lugging around the extra bags, but could we really, really streamline and focus?
Apply this metaphor to your thought life. How many pieces of luggage are you dragging around there? Did you really mean to pack fear, anxiety, inaction, doubt? Do you really “need” those?
Scripture says we have the “mind of Christ” so how does that impact our ability to think clearly, without all the baggage? And what does He think about anyway?
Just for fun let me share how He directed my thoughts on the way home from Florida. We have this long standing exercise of conversing via billboards. All the way down there, it didn’t even enter my mind to look. But on the way home I began to feel the familiar tug and opened my heart to whatever He said. I realized He was answering questions that I had asked while we walked on the beach.
I had asked for direction for my life, my family and my work. I also surrendered the need to have life go “my way.” In His loving way, He revealed how my “plans” to do His work were still about me. He said, “Jana, you just make it all about Me. I will take care of the rest.”
So my response to Him was honest but confused. “I love that idea, but how do you do that? Do I do nothing and wait on you?” And this is the ah-ha.
“Of course not,” was His reply. Because He is always working. He explained that really making my life revolve around Him, about being for Him, through Him, to Him, was to be my main objective. The other stuff, my supposed props and necessities, were just baggage that was wearing me out. All that luggage was full of stuff trying to make me comfortable and be presentable. Those bags were full of stuff about me, for me, to me.
Here is what He had to say just to remind me that He is present, working, able and inspiring:
Let’s Make a Big Impression.
Making a Difference for Hurting People.
Spread Your Wings and Fly
Tested. Trusted. True.
Total Support is a Beautiful Thing.
Think Big.
An Alluring Business.
Winning Happens.
Be Blessed.
Going Strong.
Adventure above the Rest.
Lighten Up.
Pride. Tradition. Excellence.
Preparation with a Purpose.
Try today to travel light. You might find that you and Jesus really is enough. His thoughts really are higher than ours and He wants us to be where He is… I love traveling with Him.
Yes and Amen Retreat
“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.“
2 Corinthians 1:20
Friday, April 13 through Sunday, April 15, 2012
We are going to use this “get away from the world time” to talk about:
What are God’s dreams for us?
What does He see for our lives, and our futures?
What has He already said, “Yes and Amen” to that we just don’t know about yet?
How do women get Un-stuck?
False expectations and demands around food, sex, beauty, and love (and the Lord only knows what else…) What lifts women up?
Rest and release in the love of God.
Freedom to use our voice and heart.
Letting go of the need to control.
Join us for this unique retreat held at Smoky Mountain Christian Village. A beautiful complex out of the traffic zone of Pigeon Forge, TN
Weekend Package Includes: Cost is only $80!
- Five sessions of Teaching and Materials with Jana Spicka
- 2 Night’s Lodging in a large and spacious chalet. Heated pool and nature trails on site.
- Four Meals and Snacks. Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday morning. (Friday night dinner is on your own before first session.)
This is an intimate gathering limited to 18 women. So don’t wait to register.
Click here to hear a testimony from one of last years attendees.
Living Colors
Saturday was one of those “threatening to rain at any moment” days. And finally in the afternoon, the threat delivered. But the rain was hardly worth the fuss. A light shower followed by a glorious sky. Still as I ran to the store, I threw up a prayer, “Lord, I know it is here somewhere. Where is the rainbow?”
I searched the clouds but found nothing. But just as I entered the store, I heard this small invitation, “Turn around.” There it was. A full rainbow with even a double bow fading in and out. I just stood there. Watching. Worshiping. Enjoying.
Later that night, I was at a meeting and we did Revelation song by Kari Jobe. Her lyrics capture the power of the beauty of God.
Clothed in rainbows, of living color
Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor, strength and glory and power be
to You the only wise King
Holy, Holy, Holy
Is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, and is, and is to come
With all creation I sing
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything
And I will adore You.
As I was singing this song, I saw the words, “living color.” My spirit soared as I realized that is what a rainbow is — living color. More than light reflected on particles, it is the presence of God displayed in our midst. It is not only His promise of deliverance, but the very real evidence of His presence. If His throne is surrounded by rainbows, then is it possible that He is showing us in a fraction of a moment what is ours to experience now? With even more yet to come…?
His living presence displayed in such beauty that it takes our breath away. And in watching some Youtubes of beautiful double rainbows, I saw for the first time, how they become “archways” like a great entrance into the most beautiful place of all…
Our spirit does indeed cry out:
Praise to the King of Kings
You are my everything
And I will adore You.
With Him, With His Daughters
“I don’t want to go be with a bunch of women.”
Does this sound like your first reaction when considering going to women’s retreats? Especially Christian women’s retreats? It was what I heard this morning from a friend when I asked her about the upcoming Yes and Amen Retreat. Sigh. And you know what? I know how she feels. I used to feel the same way.
But God.
I wish I could somehow convey that this retreat is NOT like other retreats. Yes, there are women. Even Christian ones. But “we” are not the focus. He is. Our comparisons, our insecurities and very real needs are not the focus. He is.
Yes and Amen is a time to really sit and soak in the presence of God. And what happened last year was each individual woman heard from the Lord in a no-pressure, no-performance kind of way, and we all got swept up into a much bigger story than “woman drama.” We all got a glimpse of His Very Great Story in each woman. It was breathtaking.
It was so very refreshing.
Are you stalling? Are you quitting before you even begin? Are you thinking you are beyond this—I don’t know— notion of needing a bigger picture of God in your own life? Maybe think again. Take small steps in faith. I promise, if you come, He will meet you there.
And we will all be better for the revelation of who He is in you.