I am sitting in Starbucks on the eve of Christmas Eve. You can feel the tingle in the air. It is the feel of hope, the expectancy of gifts, family, friends, familiar foods, new beginnings.
But in the midst of the tingle, I have a challenge for you this year. Celebrate with intention. Invest more of your heart than swiping a card.
What I am thinking involves two words: tradition and blessing.
The word tradition means “the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one generation to another without written instruction.” Beliefs passed from one generation to another without written instruction…. This is a tall order to me, but I am going to go for it. I want the loved ones in my life to know WHY we do WHAT we do.
So this Christmas focus on passing down the truths of God to those around you. Don’t worry about their reactions, just cast out seeds of truth. Be creative, either through game, song, food, decoration, or reading aloud, just tell the wonderful story of God come to dwell among us.
In like manner, the word blessing means “to communicate encouragement or approval, to give thanks for, or to ask favor to be poured out upon.” We talked about this in conjunction with birthday blessings, but my challenge to myself, the WGR class, and now you, is for you to bless your family and friends. Consciously, purposely speak words of thanks, encouragement and blessing on those you love. It may be a card or face to face, but let the words of blessing flow.
Again, don’t worry about the reactions. Jesus was ever blessing people, even those who rejected Him. But Jesus trusted his Father to take care of the seeds He cast out. Just like with Him, some of our kinds words may fall to the ground, rejected. But what joy we have when some of our seeds are planted in the hearts of those who desperately need a loving word.
Speak the truths of God. Bless those around you. May this be our Christmas gift to our loving Father.
“From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” John 1:6