What’s Your Excuse?

I love how Seth Godin just cuts through the crap to ask serious questions.  Here is an excerpt from his blog.


You don’t know what to do

You don’t know how to do it

You don’t have the authority or the resources to do it

You’re afraid

Once you figure out what’s getting in the way, it’s far easier to find the answer (or decide to work on a different problem).

Stuck is a state of mind, and it’s curable.

All I can add to this is AMEN and AMEN!!!  When you evaluate these statements honestly without the drama and B.S. it enables you to live and move differently. And secondly, when you present any or all of these questions to the Lord, He is able to speak truth and lead in power.

You know, God is not stuck. Ever. Ever. Ev-er. So we can find our shelter, our direction, our provision and our hope in Him. Do the hard work. Identify which one of these stops you and then press in to the truth. You will find more and more over time that being stuck is curable. And Jesus is the healer…

God’s Work?

I am reading this great book, Rework. It is one of those rare books that actually has something fresh to say rather than regurgitated mush. Small is good. Meetings are a waste. No time is no excuse. And, I like how God keeps talking about “work” through this book, and others, like Linchpin and Proverbs.

Proverbs says: all hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

These authors remind us about the beauty of “work.” Work is not workaholism, busy for busy sake or busy for a pat on the back. More hours is not more work. Work is not watching the clock, punching a card.

Work is something very intrinsic to our nature; it is set apart. Dare I say it – Holy? When you sit around and watch TV, surf the web, or whatever you do to “zone” out, do you feel good? Proud of how you spent your time?

Or, rather, when you have attacked a problem and begun resolution, when you have quit making excuses and started writing, working out, cleaning, building, whatever you’ve been avoiding, don’t you feel PRODUCTIVE? You have created something of value.  And in some small measure you feel more alive. I’m not talking about proving value; I’m talking about revealing God’s giftings.

God never does half-ass work.  He always puts His whole heart into whatever He is doing. He loves what He is doing, and nothing deserves less than His best. Maybe, just maybe, that is why Colossians says: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the
Lord, not for men. (3:23)

God has created you for good works so that the two of you, together might be revealed. So are you working, or talking about working?

Lord, teach us to count the days and make the days count. Amen.

When Art Comes to Life

There used to be a TV show when I was a kid, and the long awaited line every week was when the main character would say: “I love it when a plan comes together.”

(If you remember this show, shoot it back to me.)  Anyway, that is how I feel about the new website, www.womengettingreal.com

It took hours of thinking, stretching, aligning, coding, even arguing, but it is live and I hope you love it as much as we do. Take a look around and give us feedback suggestions. There are lots of things to see and digest.

Hats off to Michael Wender and Lyschel Burket for bringing this piece of art to life.  It felt a lot like labor at times, but my what a beautiful baby!! Thanks for all the hours and expertise.

It reminds me of the book, Linchpin, by Seth Godin. Work well done takes your breath away, because it becomes art for all to see.  Work as unto the Lord today. And let Him and us enjoy your art.

Great Minds: All You Need to Know

I really enjoy the blogs from Seth Godin. He doesn’t take it all the way home for me sometimes. But I read his stuff and want to let out a Warrior Yell. Read this:

All you need to know…

is that it’s possible.

Mike sent me a great story about an ultra-lightweight backpacker:

“Wolf was carrying a super-small pack which weighed 14 pounds including food and water. When asked how he got his pack weight so low, Wolf would reply, ‘All you need to know is that it’s possible.'”

One of the under-reported stories of the internet is this: it constantly reports on what’s possible. Somewhere in the world, someone is doing something that you decided couldn’t be done. By calling your bluff and by pointing out the possibilities, this reporting of possibility changes everything.

You can view this as a horrible burden, one that raises the bar and eliminates any sinecure of comfort and hiding you can find, or you can embrace it as a chance to stretch.

Most organizations forget to ask the question in the first place.

What I mean by taking it all the way home is the God factor. All you need to know —is that it is possible. And that With God, All things are possible. What are you about? What you shooting for?  What are you letting stop you that others have pressed through? If they can, you can.  Yes and Amen!

Can You Feel It?

I was in this crazy meeting the other day, and my friend/mentor said: “The problem with Jana is she has to FEEL everything. She has to have a feeling before she takes action, or a feeling before she believes the facts.”

He kept talking, but I noticed everything went on pause for me as I considered what he said.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing to need to FEEL everything?

Yes. Both. I had to do a lot of work to learn how to feel emotions, love and confidence. I had to dig through a lot of rubbish to find my heart. So I don’t dismiss this progress. That’s the good part. But I also see that if I don’t FEEL the right thing, or enough of some thing, I pause, or stall, or panic. That’s the bad part.

Somewhere in here is the need for Faith.

Faith, I am coming to believe, is not built on feelings, but fact.  There are the FACTS of God that are true whether my feelings line up or not.  These facts have been in existence long before and long after my feelings stir, blaze, and fade.  And my answer to the gap that exists between fact and feeling is worship.

I declare over myself the realities of the Living God. I renounce the “spirit” of despair and announce the goodness of the Spirit of God.  I worship the Truest thing I know, the Love of God. And by faith, I believe my feelings will catch up sooner or later.

How do your feelings dictate, translate and frustrate your life, your successes, even your failures?

Seth Godin’s Blog really hit the spot this morning…  As you read it, do a heart check and get moving.  “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

I don’t feel like it

What’s it?

Why do you need to feel like something in order to do the work? They call it work because it’s difficult, not because it’s something you need to feel like.

Very few people wake up in the morning and feel like taking big risks or feel like digging deep for something that has eluded them. People don’t usually feel like pushing themselves harder than they’ve pushed before or having conversations that might be uncomfortable.

Of course, your feelings are irrelevant to whether or not the market expects great work. Do the work. Ignore the feelings part and the work will follow.

~ Seth Godin

Seth’s Blog: 8 Questions and a Why

I like the way Seth Godin thinks out of the box. Now I can’t go all the way with him. In fact, Jesus is the only person I can go all the way with all the time. But these are just good questions. Good as in, get in your craw and unsettle you. I like questions like that. And if you want to really be bold…Go answer the questions. I am.


8 Questions and a Why

Who are you trying to please?

What are you promising?

How much money are you trying to make?

How much freedom are you willing to trade for opportunity?

What are you trying to change?

What do you want people to say about you?

Which people?

Do we care about you?

(and after each answer, ask ‘why?’)