He Loves to Talk

I got to run away to the beach for a day and a half. Yes, it was worth it the drive time because that provided great talk time in the car with Chuck.  No, we didn’t take the kids, thus the talk time. Smile.

I went there to hear from God, to catch my breath. I went there to recharge and to get a fresh deposit. I needed my Spirit tank refilled. And boy did He ever fill my tank.  On top of my own, I have three powerhouse God stories that I got today from others. The bottom line for their stories and mine? We love the God who speaks and He lives. He speaks anywhere,  all the time, in the craziest of ways.

Here are the billboards that God drew my attention to on the way to and from the beach. Little did I know that with the first “that’s odd” sign I saw that He was continuing  a conversation. He was pleased to answer my prayers about “Lord, how do I trust You more?”

His instruction to me:

Rest and Relax

What He said about Himself:

Tree of Life
Strong, Stable, Proven
Inspire to love is what I do
(Red) Cross equals Hope
Makes for a new way of thinking
How Beautiful!

What He said about me:

Got Faith?  (With a picture of water turned to wine)
Be passionate.
Keeping kids on course.
Be Great.

This did something deep in my spirit. He is all these things and more. And He calls me all these things and more in Christ. And to top it off…there was a heart in the center of my slice of onion at our last restarant. How is that for a punch line!  He’s crazy about us. Look for Him. Ask Him. Listen for Him. Believe that Small Still Voice when it says to  “Look here.”  Tomorrow I will tell about the God stories I got today!!

Letting God Reveal What’s Real

My daughter, Salem, was writing a letter to a friend and I was so struck personally by the story and the parallel to all our lives, I thought I would share it.

“I was reading The Edge Chronicles: Midnight over Sanctaphrax in school, and one of the characters so reminded me of you. She’s the ship’s stone pilot, and she always wears this hood so you can’t see anything of her face. Nobody knows who she really is or what she is capable of.  One day, she gets hurt, and the captain has to take off her hood and her coat to heal her. Under that hood and concealment, she’s actually really beautiful.

That reminded me of you because you hid what you were made to be and concealed what God had made you to be.

Underneath, there was someone so incredibly_________. Let Him fill in the blank.

The reason the character wore the hood was because she didn’t live up to what people wanted her to be, and she was ashamed of who she really was. She thought she wasn’t enough. She was wrong. Even though you don’t think you’ve pleased everyone and you think you’re not enough, you come in first place in His eyes. And He sees everything the way it is. He sees His most prized creation being unmasked to bring out the Him in you. He sees someone who’s gonna do great things. He sees someone who he’s gonna change and reveal new things to.

I think God loves His job. Getting to show you (and me) new things we could never have imagined. I’m glad that mask of shame got taken off.”

Thank You, Lord that You love Your job of revealing the Real You inside the Real us. Take off our hoods of shame and “not enough”. Fill in our blanks. We are all incredible in Your sight. Amen

The Missing Moral Compass

The “sources” keep making this a gay thing. But I’m not sure it is.

USA Today, Ellen and other mainline media are recounting the story of a college freshman whose roommate secretly filmed his sex with a man and then posted it onYoutube. Once the freshman realized his conduct had been captured and released online, he committed suicide.  However, the tragic death of the Rutgers student is less about gay rights and more about our moral decay as a country.

You see we’ve told successive generations that porn is okay, that life is best seen via inernet, that private actions overrule public impact, that life has no intrinsic value. Then we call foul play when it is politically advantageous. Really?  How do we issue a rally cry for goodness and decency when we have no true compass for either?  Why do the promoters of the homosexual agenda get to corner the market on love, acceptance, or even dismay at human cruelty?  Does shame really have sexual preferences? Or is it, biblically, the result of sinful choices?

If it had been a girl/guy being video taped, we would have called it entertainment or porn. 
If she had killed herself we would be talking about about the exploitation of the internet for sure, but would Hollywood hawkers rally all manner of comments about the abuse of women? I doubt it.

And one very, very sticky point is: two wrongs don’t make a right.

What those students did was wrong .
But that young man chose to kill himself. He chose it. No one threw him. He jumped.

Do you see how we are trying to untangle this web of who is right and who is wrong and it’s all knotted up? Homosexuality is wrong. Heterosexuality outside of marriage is wrong. They both bear hurtful consequences. Invasion of privacy is wrong. And yet when we do in private what is wrong, unhealthy, even evil, it greatly affects our condition as a whole group of people.  Pornography is wrong. The conscience of this generation is seared when it comes to the degradation and perverted nature of pornography. Taking a life is wrong. Whether I take your life or my life, it’s just wrong.

We are each a part of a bigger whole that God sees.  He sees us all and loves us all completely. But that doesn’t mean He calls wrong things right. Be careful how you sort and sift the word storm of the day.  Talk show hosts and news casters are not necessarily using the Bible as the compass. Be sure that Jesus is.

We want to walk as He walks, in grace and truth. So bring this from “out there” to “right here.”  How are you dissecting the doctrine that is being shoved down our throats?  In your own life, is your compass aligned with God’s?  Do you call evil good?  Do you embrace, excuse  or ignore those things that God hates and warns us about? 

This needless death is not about homosexual rights. It is about our desperate, desperate need for a Savior and His ever calling voice of mercy.  Listen to Him.

What’s Your “Fatitude”?

You know racism. You know bigotry. You know prejudice, hate crimes, and crimes against humanity. But do you consider the silent judgments based on weight? 

I call it “fat-itude.” We get this attitude about people, without ever exchanging one word, and decide their worth and value based on their outer shell. We assess them, we assess us, here is the outcome: You lose or they lose. But somebody always loses.

We have all done it, felt it, hurt or been hurt by it. One of my friends lately related how friends are unkind to her because she is too skinny. My other friend told me about the criticism, cruelty and harshness of relatives all through her childhood because of her size.  They even went so far as to say she would ‘never get a good job if she was fat.’

Really? I mean, really? Her waistline dictates her I.Q.?

Here is a real cultural twist. When I was in Zimbabwe, their “scales” are completely opposite. If you are too thin, it means you are starving. Literally. Not thin like what we call thin in the U.S. because they call that kind of thin “refugee camps.” They don’t call that desirable or beautiful.  They pity people who are that size. Hear that Hollywood? Over there, if you are plump or padded, then you and your family are successful; they have enough money to feed you well.

I have been working with women intensely since 2007. I worked with teens 15 years before that.  The number one issue is value based on size and beauty. We all nod our heads, and yawn, and say, “Yeah, we’ve heard that.” However, I am taking it one step further.

I am seeing the shocking rise of contempt and disgust of overweight people.  We are actually discounting and disregarding people based on the size of their jeans.  Is being excessively overweight  one of the biggest killers of our day? Yes, it is. Is being overweight simply a matter of lack of self control? Not necessarily. You know the work that is required for physical health and that is if all the systems are working well. Throw in an illness, injury, pregnancy, depression, addiction, and you have all manner of chaos that shows up in the body. And when we look at a person, we have no idea what is actually happening inside that person’s life. We assume to know the heart of a person based on the size of a person. And I tell you I know many, many women, who look good, but their hearts are sick, sick, sick.

Here’s my bottom line. God says to guard your heart. He said all the issues of life flow out of what you think in your heart. Ask the Lord to show you where you are NOT guarding your heart. Restoring these unguarded places  may help to increase your overall health, which is the goal. Not size. Health. But also, ask the Lord to reveal your “fatitude.” Confess it. Call it what it is, sin. Whether it is about yourself or others, when you judge others according to size, you do not value what God values.  Regardless of size, God loves us and calls us to do the same. Our judgements of others only isolate us.

Ask God to heal your heart, and your will find true health, inside and out.


20 My son, pay attention to what I say;
       listen closely to my words.
 21 Do not let them out of your sight,
       keep them within your heart;
 22 for they are life to those who find them
       and health to a man’s whole body.
 23 Above all else, guard your heart,
       for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:20-23

He’s So Funny

Guess what I’ve been working on this morning? New songs for the new worship CD:  Real.Life.

And I wanted to share a funny God moment. I have iTunes playing randomly in the background, different songs, different artists. As I was refining the lyrics, I hear a familiar hiss telling me my songs are garbage. “Why bother?” he sneered.

I was writing on a song about trusting the Lord so I just kept plugging along despite the lie that was like an incessant dripping in my head. And lo and behold, guess what songs came on next?  The songs from my last CD!

“Oh yeah? He thought those would never work either!”  I heard my singing God say. I rejoiced in my spirit. Liar, liar devil on fire!!

Press in to the dreams and the goals of your heart. As Graham Cooke says, “You can’t have a desire that is not mirrored and matched by His desire. Because that where it started.”

Seek to be where He is first and foremost. He is our life.

“Do It Again!” (giggle)

Soak in this wisdom from G.K. Chesterton:

“Because children have abounding vitality, because they are in spirit fierce and free, therefore they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, “Do it again”; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong enough to exult in monotony.  But perhaps God is strong enough to exult in monotony. It is possible that God says every morning, “Do it again” to the sun; and every evening, “Do it again” to the moon. It may not be automatic necessity that makes all daisies alike; it may be that God  makes every daisy separately, but has never got tired of making them. It may be that He has the eternal appetite of infancy; for we have sinned and grown old and our Father is younger than we.”

For we have sinned and grown old and our Father is younger than we.

Don’t think for a moment that Your Three in One God is tired, bored, or weak. He leaps over hills. He sings over all creation. Still. He plays, creates, enjoys.

Play with Him today.

Life or Death

On my Facebook page  I posted a video link of Gianna Jensen. She has an amazing story of surviving an abortion. Literally. She is an aborted baby that survived.

What I love is her boldness. I love her willingness to pull back the curtain of denial and political ambiguity and let us see the real issue: the strong killing the weak. Of course I know this is a loaded gun. But I have myself walked through the abortion clinic doors. I, too, am a survivor, but my child is not. So I am not at all willing to look the other way about this life and death issue.

What about deformities?
What about rape?
What about the mother’s needs?

What about them? If you were the innocent, helpless baby in the womb, you would be praying that someone, somewhere would come up with another solution than your death.

There are always, always, always options.

Abortion is our issue. It’s not out there. Or “their decision.”  When unborn babies have no value, then what guarantees your value?  And a culture that embraces death only begets more death.

The death of Christ is the only death that ever brought forth new life. Every child sacrificed in clinics today is a kind of death in the parents, in their community and ultimately in our country.
Is the blood of Christ strong enough to wash away this sin?

Thank God, yes it is.

But we don’t sit idly or comfortably or neutrally by and do nothing. You have a voice. Use it for life.

Got Spurs?

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24
I love it when the Lord puts pieces together. I love it when He calls me, you, us, out of our complacency.  Look at what “spur” means:

  • incite or stimulate
  • goad: a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
  • give heart or courage to
  • any sharply pointed projection
  • strike with a spur
  • goad with spurs; “the rider spurred his horse”
  • a sharp prod fixed to a rider’s heel and used to urge a horse onward

I was really hitting a wall last week. I kept saying I needed to hear from Him. And honestly, in retrospect, I am not sure I did.  I wanted to be coddled, and excused, and taken off the hook.  I wanted to sit and Do Nothing. I must have sounded to God like my kids do to me: “Do I HAVE to do this? This is SO hard.”

In true God fashion, with love and compassion, and a firm hand, He reminded me, “Yes, you do.” God used His Holy Spurs and goaded me on. He didn’t pat me and ignore the situation. He prodded with a Sharp object (ouch) and goaded me into the direction I was supposed to be going.

He did it like this. He showed His ability to change the circumstances in a moment. I had doubted his ability to provide. Again.
He reminded me of our long-term vision. I had forgotten.
He stressed the short window of time. I was procrastinating.
He told me He loved me. Again.

We dare not waste our lives. May God continue to spur us on and we in turn spur one another on toward His love and good deeds.

Worth Talking About

Just to keep us connected, smile, I wanted you to know a few important things.

1) Today is Beth’s birthday. So please FB her or email her or pray a blessing over her as she is in Zimbabwe on her special day.

2) “Blended Families Conference” (www.cspc.net) is a phenomenal way to help heal the transition of two families becoming one. Don’t miss this!

3) Our classes are live each Tuesday night and we also offer daily texting. (To sign up, contact Laura Jones.) You can share/download audio files for free (for now!) and access past classes if you missed one.

I know, I know, most impressive. I promise you, it is my team that works the magic.

Okay have  a great day.  I have a “date” today with guess Who. So no time to write right now. Blessings.
