One Last Gift Under the Tree

For the last two days I have been having a conversation about what to ask the Lord for, for Christmas. Better than Santa, I have learned that I can climb into my Father’s lap and He will be delighted to bless me with good things I ask for.

And then came the Spirit’s question, what was I giving God for Christmas? I am bustling around for others, but what was from me, for Them? Talk about hard to buy for!!

So in the wee hours this morning, I had an odd encounter with the Lord.  I was grumbling in my spirit for no real reason. And confessing, even as I was grumbling, that I wanted the Lord to soften my heart. I renounced the attack. I confessed my sin. But still my heart would not respond.

“Father, this is such a great time of year. This season has so much peace for me. So why is my heart feeling so flat this morning?”

I didn’t get a why, but I did get a remedy.

I went first to Psalm 51 as a way of asking the Lord to make me white as snow. But then He directed me to Psalm 50. I just sat there and marveled  in how God talks about God. He is ALL THAT and more. But my spiritual ears perked up when “The Mighty One, God, the Lord” began telling how He didn’t need my bulls, and blood, and sacrifices.  My feeling bad, or guilty, or regretful wasn’t the remedy.

“Sacrifice thank offerings to God.” (v. 14)

I had to dig around a little find out what “thank offerings” were, but they are called peace offerings, or freewill offerings. They are spontaneous. They are acts of solemn remembrances or jubliant rejoicing. Thank offerings are outpourings of a grateful heart. No bull, no blood, no gold. No credit cards or packages.

Just an abundant overflow from a heart that sees all that God has done. This is my Christmas gift to Them.  And it is also my remedy for a heart gone awry.

Bless You, Lord, for all  Your mercies and goodnesses shown to us!

From Glory to Glory

When Jesus entered our earthly home as a baby, He made Holy the whole human journey. From the moment the virgin’s egg was overshadowed by the Holy Spirt and the Word became flesh to the moment His last forgiving breath led Him into the valley of the shadow of death, Jesus showed us how to do the God life, in our life.

It is important for our souls and spirits to grasp this profound reality. Especially when we understand that Jesus’ birth and death were not points of origin but were connecting a greater circle.

He came from glory, was born, lived, died, was resurrected and then returned to glory. From glory to glory. This is our destiny.  This is what Jesus came to reveal. “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! ” 1 John 3:1

Why does this matter to us this Christmas? Because beyond the gifts and goodies, families and friends, we are being fitted for our True homes. It is not a home where angels sit on clouds, but where we rule and reign with Christ.

Our souls need to marinate in this reality because this is where hope is born. To know that all this earthly struggle has been sanctified by Christ Himself, to know that He came in the middle of a sin-filled world and still lived with God and made it back to glory inspires us to hold on, to believe, to press in to the heart of of God.

Our spirits need to marinate in the reality because this is where the supernatural is born. When we come to know that we are made in the image of the Glory of Christ and all His abundant love and power is available to us, we live differently.

I recently visited my friend whose mother was dying. And despite the tragedy of her fraile and sickly body, I had a moment of jealously. Soon, very soon she would be in glory. That was her true destiny, regardless of what we were witnessing in the flesh. Today, Sarah is spending Christmas with the One we all long to see face to face.

If you are a true believer in Christ, Rest in hope of Glory today. It’s coming. And if you are not, weigh heavily the cost of your independence.

“…we are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. ” 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

Breath of Heaven

This is a beautiful blending of three offerings:  the song, “Breath of Heaven,” the movie, The Nativity, and the savior of the World, Jesus — all represented in one piece of art.  
I hope you enjoy it. Better yet, I hope you cry.  
The story of God is too incredible to not be blown away by it… May He breathe on you today.  

Childlike Wonder

Have you ever thought about Jesus as a child? Have you ever thought about what it means to grow up as a child of God?

I find that in my heart, and sometimes in conversation with others that we almost dismiss Jesus’ days as a child. Perhaps we think they were easier because He was the Son of God. But just as Andrew Peterson points out in “Labor of Love”, “It was not a silent night, there was blood on the ground…”  This is a great mystery of how God could be contained in the smallness of our earthen vessel. I am pondering today about the beauty of childlike wonder.

Did Jesus stop and stare at the wonders of nature that He had spoken into existence? Did He get excited, scared, bored, disappointed even? When He Himself is the answer to all of these?

I am beginning to realize the oxymoron is purposeful: Child of God. Jesus came to show us how to do life as Children of God. “…to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—” John 1:12 Crazy notion isn’t it?  We are children of God.

Through one babe “born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God, (John 1:13) we have been brought into the arms of the everlasting Father.  Ponder this in your heart. When Jesus told Nicodemus that he must become like a little child, He knew what He was talking about.

Jesus knew full well what it meant to be “like a little child.”  To giggle, to be giddy, to trust, to believe. To wonder. To receive the glory of God.

Want a Christmas prayer today? Put your name, and your loved ones’ names in this sentence. “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”

Does Christmas Interrupt Your Routine?

I am sure you read that headline and responded, “Uhm, yes! It is a constant presence hanging over my head!”

But I mean something a little different. Part of the the fun of Christmas is that it interrupts the status quo. Its coming is to be watched and anticipated. Think of the angels watching as all the world was about to be turned on its head. It requires action and preparation. Think of the wise men who had to travel far to be part of this life-changing event. Christmas shifts our priorities. Think of Joseph trying to find a place for his laboring wife. Christmas changes things. It changes us.

It has been fun to watch Charis piece this reality together. She has gleefully watched the house be transformed with lights and glitterings. She has giggled over packages under the tree. And the star on the proverbial tree was her question yesterday.  Every Saturday at our house is cleaning day, and Saturday is Christmas. So with great concern and seriousness she asked, “Do we have to clean the house on Saturday since it is Christmas?”
“No, this Saturday is different, ” we laughed.

Christmas does interrupt our lives, just like Jesus interrupts our existence. We can’t do Christmas and stay the same. We can’t do Jesus and stay the same either.

So allow yourself the freedom to get swept up into the glory of the season. Sure, there is madness and mayhem. But there is also the wind of God that drives the whole world to one quiet little stable, to pause in awe and wonder.

Jesus, interrupt our lives today and always.

Bringing the Family Together

This time of year stirs up a lot of emotions. Good and bad. You know why? Because we have good and bad relationships, that’s why. Family gatherings for some are like the home and hearth story of the Waltons but others feel more like being caught in the Gaza strip after curfew.

Somewhere , somehow we have to adjust to new definitions of family, kindred spirits and blood relations. For example, in my family my girls have a lot of “aunts.”  I didn’t realize what was happening until Charis started trying to piece my family tree together.

“So is she your sister, ’cause we call her Aunt Nan?”
“Yes, she is my sister in Jesus.”
“So is Aunt Lou Ann your sister in Jesus?”
“Well yes, because she is a believer too, but Aunt Lou Ann is also my real sister. Well, Aunt Nan is my real sister too. Aunt Lou Ann is my blood sister. Oh (sigh) well, Aunt Nan is my “Blood” sister.” I tried to explain.
“Mama, you got Aunt Nan and Aunt Lou Ann, and the girl group and Miss Betsy and Miss Kate…Mama, you sure have a lot of sisters.”

You know, I do!  That’s just how God’s Family is. It doesn’t always make a lot of sense. We don’t always look alike. But the Family grows and expands in and through the seasons. And the Family doesn’t end, because one day we will all have one big Family party. Only at this party there will be no one left out, or isolated, or rejected. No one will be “not speaking” to each other.  Being separated by offenses and wounds will be impossible because we will have such joy in the One who called us all into His Family.

Let me give you the most beautiful picture of this. My friends the Morrells just came home with their third child from the Phillippines. All of them are children of promise.  All of them are children of designation, specifically chosen to be part of this family. Three grueling trips after years and years of prayer and preparation, and the anguish of the waiting.

Look at the picture. Look at their faces. Related completely, but not. Ordained together but not from the world’s perspective. Look at the future they have now been afforded and the very real risks these children have been rescued from.

All because God stirred a man and a woman who wanted to adopt to find each other and build a marriage and a home. All because God heard the prayers of the saints, an altogether “other” family has been born. All because God’s blood is stronger than any other bond, we rejoice in what He has done. God has a way of creating beautiful families. Rejoice this year in the “kinfolk” He has given to you.

You know what Mark said as he was traveling home with Abby in his arms? “I miss my boys. I can’t wait to get my family all together.”  I wonder, I just wonder, if God doesn’t say the same thing…

“I can’t wait to get My Family all together.”

Hidden But Present Majesty

It was one of those breath-taking moments when you are doing life and suddenly you see a bigger picture. I was driving down the highway and there are lots of  hills on this route. Two of these hills rise up high enough that you can look out over the valley, and depending on the weather, you can see the Smoky Mountains.  I drive this route at least once a day.

But on this particular day I was out earlier than usual and the sun was rising, burning off the fog and smoke of the morning. When I reached the peak in the road, the rays stretched across the sky and you could see the full mountain range. Even Mount Le Conte was clearly visible.

It was a wonder to see this burning ball of light exploding its glory rays and revealing this majestic line of mountains robed in a purple hues.

I took my foot of the gas just to absorb the moment. My spirit was soaring at the visual representation of God.

Those mountains are always there. Whether I see them every day or not, they are still there. Still majestic, still beautiful, still awe-inspiring.  Just like God the Father.

And the sun rises every day. Whether I see it or not, it brings light to the world, and when it is lifted up, it reveals the mountains. Just like when Jesus is lifted up He reveals the Father.

We need more awe moments. We need to see that the Father is ever present, strong and relentless. And to see that Jesus rises new in our hearts every morning with one purpose, to glorify and reveal the Father.

When God Gets His Way

It is so fun to see God continue to surprise and wow and provide. He is quite the show-off you know. What I love is His tender call to step out, to feel His nudges. He is relentless in His invitations to trust.

And then His reassurances, provision and promises come to life. The book “Dine with Me” was only a whisper at the beginning of the year. The “Real. Love. Life.” Worship cd was only a point of reluctant whining in January.

And now reviewing how God has persuaded and cajoled and inspired and honestly, how God has Done the work is awe-inspiring.

What have I learned?  That it is childish folly to resist Him. And it is childlike abandon that brings the peace that passes understanding. When I looked down the road at the beginning of the year, I could only say, “You want to do what? And how???”

And now looking back, I can only say, “You did what? And how???”

It is the way of God. Unpredicatable in His methods, Unchanging in His love. Unstoppable in His plans.

This Christmas season look at Jesus with new eyes. God’s unpredictable method to show His unchanging love in His unstoppable plan to be with you.

‘Tis the Season to Celebrate

Did you miss us?  Jana has been in the thick of recording her new worship CD, Real. Love. Life., and is working hard on her next treat for you: her book by the same name! We’re planning to release both at the Unhindered Encounter on February 12th.

You’re going to love the CD. I got a sneak peak at some of the songs since I was part of the WGR choir that sang in the background.  Each song is excellent, but “Prayer for Zimbabwe” really hit home for me. Jana took one of the songs that the Zim kids sang to us on our mission trip and put words around our heart’s cry for them – our brothers and sisters.

As I listened and sang, I was struck by the way my heart soared in worship – both when they sang it in Shona (I can’t understand a word!) and when we sang it in English.  It was like our hearts were joined in one voice to our One Father.  Truly thrilling. You’ll get to hear it both ways, too…

Please keep Jana and the team in your prayers, as we keep you in ours.  There’s a lot coming up:

  • Real. Love. Life. Book and a CD to be finished and released by February 12th.
  • WGR Christmas Celebration this Tuesday! Join us live at Fellowship Church or via Livestream, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
  • True Intimacy Marriage Retreat, January 14 – 16. Yippee! The registration deadline has been extended to December 15th. Sign up here.
  • Unhindered Encounter 2.0, February 12th. Early registration ends December 15th, so sign up here to get the best price!

Your voice is heard in Heaven and your prayers keep us going.


Laura Jones for the WGR team

P.S.  Need a stocking stuffer?  Jana’s new yearly devotional, Dine with Me, Real Food for the Hungry Spirit, is available for shipping December 14th.

How’s Your Heart?

Dallas Willard gives the instruction to do the “next right thing” when you are attempting to live out the God life. And I see that reflected in this verse. Don’t make your life about trying to hold your face just right to please God. Don’t work on outer form. Work on inner assessment. Is your heart toward God? Do what He says. He cares more about your sincere heart that any amount of money you could give or service you could perform. Let the Lord weigh your heart. It might be the most freeing thing you could do. No fear, just honesty between you and your Maker.
“All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart. To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice.” Proverbs 21: 2-3


Like this?  It’s an excerpt from Jana’s new devotional, Dine with Me, Real Food for the Hungry Spirit.  Order your copy here.