Fundraising Event, “An Offering of Praise”

Jana Spicka and Women Getting Real invite you to “An Offering of Praise” Annual Fundraiser, November 1, 2011 6:30-8:15pm at Abiding Glory Church Knoxville, TN.
For our first fundraiser, we decided to bring together some of our favorite things: Jesus, worship food, and you!

An Offering of Praise” is a night to celebrate and prepare.  In the Bible, people praise and offerings to God to acknowledge all He had done.  They also worshipped before going into battle.  We want to do the same thing.  We want to bring our hearts together to worship the Lord.  We also want to bring our riches together, whether spiritual or material, and offer them back to the Lord for use in His Kingdom.

Our WGR evening consists simply of:

  • Amazing God stories
  • Audacious glimpses of where we’re headed
  • Worship and love offerings
Two of our favorite worship leaders, Emily and Andrew McCoy will lead us in hymns and contemporary worship.  Please join us!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Abiding Glory Church on Midpark Drive
(off Middlebrook Pike, near Agrifeed)
Casual Business Attire
Heavy Hors D’oeuvres
Please RSVP to:


Can’t attend event but want to give?

We welcome your support of this important ministry.
Please donate here:

Who is Giving to Whom?

There is a giddy sense of excitement about Nov. 1st. Unusual for the normal prep of teaching  an intense event.  I have this “anticipation” of what is coming. Real celebration.  I don’t think I even know what is coming other than the Lord is really eager to drink in our worship, to hear us bragging on Him. I really hope, for your sake, that  you will plan to attend.

I believe the Lord has something He wants to pour out on us. Perspective? Hope? Even Faith?

Your biggest challenge will be wiping away whatever obstacle is being thrown at you to keep you from sitting with Him. I know how it feels.  I am doing the same dance. But I am calling you like He is calling me…choose to be with Him. Listen for Him. Look to Him.

Let’s see what He is celebrating Nov 1st.  My guess is it will have something to do with you…

Feasting at His Table

People make me laugh. Heck, I make me laugh. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate and we get in such conundrums.  A couple of menfolk think the WGR November 1st fundraiser is just for women. It’s open to all. A couple of womenfolk think it is only a worship night.  We will worship and invest in God’s vision for WGR  too. And, just for the record, I get sick of fundraisers just like you do.

But in reality, “An Offering of Praise” is best described as pulling up a chair to the Lord’s table for a family meal and meeting.  We will eat together. Enjoy each other’s company. We will thank the Father for all he has done. Then, we will hear what’s on His heart and what He’s working on through Women Getting Real.

It really is a party. And you know, when Jesus and His believers get together in spirit and truth, it’s always a good time. So like you would for any good party, invite your friends, let people know you’re coming, and bring your hearts.

I sense He has a real smile on His face about what He is cooking up. This guy knows all about feasting, and He is inviting you to the table.

Click here to RSVP

Lord of the Thorns

Warrior Bride. I love this image. Last week I challenged you with what God was saying about preparation for battle, about our readiness to go. I told you about the vision of combat boots and stepping over thorns. Check out the blog, “Get Your Boots On.”

It was odd because as I wrote it, there was a whisper about the crown of thorns upon the brow of Jesus. But an interruption stole the thought.

Later in the day,  I talked to my friend about the blog and she casually mentioned, “Jesus is our combat boots. He wore the thorns so we wouldn’t have to.”

Externally, I said, “Yes, That is so good. Amen.” Internally, I recalled the whisper in my mind that had now been refreshed. We ended the call, but the Lord continued to stir that conversation.

He reminded me of a section out of Tim Keller’s new book, The King’s Cross.  I will let the author’s words do the talking regarding the comparison among the man and woman and Jesus.

God was saying, “Because you love me, don’t eat from the tree — just because I say so.  Just to be in relationship with me. Obey me about the tree, and you will live.”  And Adam didn’t. He and Eve failed their test; and the whole human race has been failing ever since. Satan never stops testing us. He says, “This idea of self-giving love, where you make yourself totally vulnerable and you orbit around other people — that’ll never work.”

We look at Adam and Eve and say, “What fools — why did they listen to Satan?”  Yet we know we still have Satan’s lie in our own hearts, because we’re afraid of trusting God — of trusting anybody, in fact.

But God didn’t leave us defenseless. God said to Jesus, “Obey me about the tree” — only this time the tree was a cross — “and You will die.”

And Jesus did. He has gone before you into the heart of a very real battle, to draw you into the ultimate reality of the dance. What he has enjoyed from all eternity, he has come to offer you.

When Jesus wore a crown of thorns, He was saying, “I am King of all that the enemy would use to hurt, humiliate, rip and strip from you. I am letting him take his best shot at Me.” And Jesus’ whisper, “It is finished,” is the battle cry of all time.  There is now nothing in the hands of our enemy that Jesus has not already conquered. He is the Lord of the thorns.

Glory be to the God of all Ages!!!

Get Your Boots On…

I can’t tell you too much yet. The revelation is too new. Too raw. But in a season of intense prayer with Jeremy, one of our pastors, he said, “This is so random but I see you in a pair of sandals.”

“Yes I wear them all the time.” I said.

“But  you can’t go very far in sandals. You know how the Bible says our feet are shod with the good news of the gospel?” I nodded yes. “Well you can’t go very far or very long in sandals. It’s like you are casually walking.”

“Do you mean it’s too casual? Am I being too casual with what I am doing?”

“Yes in a way but it’s more than that.  Sandals are too open. You are too likely to have…” he paused here and searched for the right word.

“Backlash,” he said firmly.

“Do you mean like my feet will get hurt?”

“Yes but more than that. You get caught in the thorns in sandals. Sandals open you to backlash, not being protected or prepared for the journey.”

Then the Lord spoke the bomb and the balm all at once. “I see you getting new pair of shoes. They are combat boots.”

I know my face must have looked bewildered.  Combat boots? Not silhettos? Not bright, sparkly, flashy shoes? I think to myself. He continued.

“God is giving you a pair of combat boots. People in combat boots walk anywhere with no thought of thorns, or terrain. People in combat boots walk with a purpose. They are in a war and they are ready.”

Wow.  Obviously by this point I am in a puddle of my own tears. And many more prayerful words followed. I am still dissecting and digesting it all. But as I was going to my car the Lord continued the conversation about the thorns.

“What do thorns represent?” the Lord pressed in my heart.

“The curse, the devil’s attempts to slow you down?”

“In your boots, you will walk over those.”

What do you say to this? And if my head had not already been blown off my shoulders, look at the photo I get today…. A  bride in combat boots. Ezer Warrior.

You better get your boots on. We’re going somewhere.

Oh the power and majesty of this God we love. Oh the strength He gives to us all.
Lord, thank you for speaking to us, and please continue to equip us all for the journey with you.  May you give us an increase of faith to hear and believe and act on what You say. Amen.

The Very Thought of You

Her eyes were so red from crying that it made the blue of her irises all the more vivid. “Why am I believing in God if it is still so hard and nothing is changing?” she asked. “You talk about all this supernatural stuff but I don’t see it in my life. What am I supposed to do?”

My heart broke in response but I was also really, really excited.  I had been in this moment of desperation before. And now, I knew what was on the other side –  more of Him, more surrender, more freedom. She couldn’t see what I saw. She was what was changing. A year ago she was a different person. And today, the circumstances were hard, but she was stronger, she was different. She was waking up to a much bigger God.

What wall are you screaming at today? What bill, person, job, sickness, need is the focus of your energy and attention?  My friend was trying to assess who God is based on her circumstances. But after a good scream and cry, and after a good long look at His face, her circumstances were the same, but they looked different. She now saw them through His eyes. He has a way of doing that. He will do that for you too.

God is never overwhelmed by anything. Any thing. And if He isn’t, we don’t have to be either. Even as I write this, I understand that the “wall” seems larger than life. You have an enemy who is working hard to it make your wall appear so. But it is a lie. The Truth is God Himself is larger than life.

All through scripture is the instruction to “call upon the name of the Lord.” Why would God instruct us to do this unless He has an intention to answer?
Call upon Him today, expecting Him to give you more of Himself.

Here is a fun exercise. Just for your spirit’s refreshment today really listen to the song “The Very Thought of You.” I heard this song performed by Emily and Andrew McCoy. And it stuck with me for days… He and I kept singing back and forth to each other.  It was altogether — crazy. And yet, it was this very focus that took my eyes off of  my “wall.”  Try it. You might like it. I know He sure does.

The Very Thought of You
The very thought of you and I forget to do
The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do
I’m living in a kind of daydream
I’m happy as a king (queen)
And foolish though it may seem
To me that’s everything

The mere idea of you, the longing here for you
You’ll never know how slow the moments go till I’m near to you
I see your face in every flower
Your eyes in stars above
It’s just the thought of you
The very thought of you, my love

The Power of Praise

Supernatural.  This is the word of the year for me. Hopefully it will be the reality of the rest of my life, and your life because it is one of the many ways to describe the beautiful, awesome, mighty God who lives in us and with us. As I explore the “how” of the supernatural way of living, it always comes back to worship.

This is not  something you get, or work for. It is an overflow of being with the Supernatural One.

God is not a magic genie, or a slot machine, or a formula to ensure success. He is a person who is moved to love and compassion. Just as any lover reacts to being loved, He responds to us when we love on Him. Enter worship and praise.  I guess you could loosely say that worship is God’s “love language.”  Smile.

On our last beach date, the Lord put into place a vision so big, so crazy God-like, that I know only He could pull off. It is truly supernatural. And He also revealed that the journey will have to be saturated in our worship. Not duty, not human smarts or effort, not rabbit’s foot suspicion, but true hearts that are abandoned in worship of the One who brings all dreams to life.

I am asking you to join us November 1st for WGR’s first official celebration as a non-profit ministry. We’re calling it, “An Offering of Praise.” When the Lord brought the word “offerings” to mind, I spent time in the Bible looking at God’s people, old and new testament. Before and after great endeavors, people would bring praise and offerings as a visible way of acknowledging all the Lord has done and would do. It was a beautiful picture of how we bring something of ourselves, our thanks and our money, and present it to the Lord. Both are outward signs of our hearts being connected to Him. They don’t call it a “love offering” for nothing. Our shared loved of God, changes the world.

I can’t tell you how I am busting to share this vision of hope and radical impact in our world. I can’t tell you how much I want us to enter into this season of rejoicing over all He has done. I am so grateful that we can bring our riches, some spiritual, some material, to build the Kingdom together.

“Fund raising then is a very rich and beautiful activity.  It is an integral part of our ministry.  In fund raising we discover that we are all poor and that we are all rich, and in ministering to each other – each from the riches that he or she possesses – we work together to build the Kingdom.  The Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of the poor.

“How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. Henri Nouwen

Save the Date!
An Offering of Praise
November 1st, 6:30 to 8:15 p.m.
Abiding Glory Church
Midpark Drive, Knoxville, TN

Glorious Riches and Great Power

Last night in WGR Class we talked about  the WHO of God and the WHY of God from Ephesians 2. (We are Going Somewhere this semester so I invite you listen or watch class to be able connect the dots.  The recording will be posted shortly.)  God has glorious riches and great power for “those who believe.” And what’s His purpose? That we might “know him better.”  This is God’s objective. He wants to show up and show off for you so that you will have confidence in WHO He is.

You will never believe this real life story I got this morning as Evidence of Believing. It is from Laura Jones in California.  Oh the adventure of God.

“So I just wanted to share Whitney’s story – one of the gals I asked you to pray for yesterday.
This woman left a mission she was on, gave up a serious relationship, and decided to follow the Lord’s call to Deeper School. She had all the money she needed for the full year’s schooling and a bit extra. Then God asked her to give it all away. And she DID.
Her gift kept a ministry from folding and left her with just enough for this month’s rent and her last two bills. Nothing at all for school. Just Jesus. And she came to California anyway, knowing that she would not be allowed to start classes without her payment. But God had told her to come.
Yesterday we went to register. Still no money. Yet she had total peace. She knew God had brought her here – even if it was just to be with the students in our house and spend time with Him – and she trusted Him to provide and make it clear if she was to be in school.  When she stepped up to the desk, she simply stated that she didn’t have the money. As expected, they kindly told her she had a few weeks and could still join the class later, but she had to have the money before she began.
Whitney was still fine. But I pressed her – “Did you tell them the story?? It may not change the outcome at all. You may still have to wait to start. But at least they will know how to pray WITH you. They’ll know you weren’t just blowing them off after they set boundaries.”
Whitney had to go to work, so I went back to tell her story. On the way, I met one of the other students and we stopped to pray in agreement that the Lord would give back to Whitney.  The staff were glad to hear what was going on and said they wanted to talk with her. They weren’t sure how it would work out, but we all wanted to pull Heaven’s resources down on her behalf and see her come!
We all prayed. Another student dreamed the Lord gave Whitney great wealth. And we waited.

Today, the school agreed to let her come to classes for a bit and see what the Lord brought in. Not half an hour later, someone donated $2000 towards her tuition! Enough for the first half of the payment plan and then some!  God is so, SO good! He is so faithful.”

Jesus you rock our world.  Lead us Spirit into “revelation and wisdom” that we might know You better.  Amen.

Let’s Start a Revolution

If you haven’t read this book, you Must. It is called Half the Sky by Sheryl WuDunn and her husband Nicholas D. Kristof. (The local library has it.)

The Lord brought this VERY important piece to me as we were discussing His vision of what I am to be about, but also what Women Getting Real is to be about.  We must look out to others to find our own healing. We cannot tolerate the seduction of our culture (beauty, money, comfort, isolation) to woo us into complacency and dull self-focus. But instead, armed with the Love of Christ, and released as His Ezer women, we can join Him as He brings about transformation to forgotten and abandoned sisters worldwide.

After I read this book, I texted Chuck that God was blowing up my mind and spirit. And Chuck texted back: “Do what you do, be a slingshot and set the world on fire.” Shortly after this, my friend Laura, a fellow firebrand, sent me this photo.

I know it is blurry but study it. It is a butterfly with wings fully expanded. That means she has made it through the transformation: starving caterpillar, hiding in a cocoon, fighting  for her wings as she wrestles out of the cocoon…She is ready to fly! With hearts on her wings, compassion drives her to action; she takes a spark of hope and sets the world on fire.

Can I get a Woman Yell here??!!

Come Lord Jesus that You would lift our eyes to look directly into Yours. And we see ourselves perfectly transformed in Your eyes, not only us, but all of Your women. Wash us, inspire us, motivate us to live a life so big that it takes You to pull it off. Amen.

Want  more info:

A Woman’s Place

Submission. Are we really still gnawing away on this bone? This conversation recently warranted space in the Knoxville News Sentinel and Tennessean newspaper. Wonder why? Unless. Unless possibly we talk about it because there is still no unity of the Spirit.

Few people in believing circles discuss the crucifixion or resurrection. Why not? Perhaps, because there is sufficient evidence and sufficient unity of the Spirit that we believe by faith.  But submission often unsettles the spirit. Is this just a case of female rebellion?

Here is the irony.  When Chuck and I talked last night, he said, “Jana you can’t even write about submission because you don’t have a penis. So you will just sound like a woman who is ‘not in submission.’” How sad but how true.

I did note in the article that the woman who favored submission was a pastor. Now that’s a trick. She is qualified to lead God’s people, but she cannot co-lead with her husband.

I remember a conversation with a 77 year-old woman who didn’t understand my strain over this issue. After 50 plus years of marriage, their policy was for her to share her thoughts with her husband and he would make the final decision.

“Says who?” I asked respectfully. “If the Spirit truly leads us, then why does ‘someone have to make the final decision?’ Isn’t that His job?”

I told her that if my husband and I disagree, we wait. We wait on the Spirit to reveal our hearts. And then one or both of us would have better understanding of what caused the divide and one or both would shift as necessary. Then the Spirit would lead us to make decisions jointly. We were both stronger and closer because of it, not only to each other but to the Lord as well.

“Sometimes you have to make a decision quickly,” she challenged.

“The Holy Spirit has never been late one time,” I said.

I love men. I love mutual submission out reverence to Christ.  But this is more than who is “in charge.” This is God’s story. In the beginning male and female were to co-rule. (Genesis 1 and 5) It has always been His plan. His plans have not changed.

Let’s stop to clarify the status of us modern Western women. You have only been able to vote since 1920. For not yet 100 years has your voice been heard. Only when men realized that women were voting did they deem women worthy of educating.

Since the fall there has been an overwhelming attack against the image of a woman (and man). You only have to research the devastation globally to see this is true. Can you swallow your Western sensitivities enough to hear that some men in other countries “biblically” beat their wives if they don’t submit?

But God. His overarching story is the redemption of the broken, power-based mentality of men and the redemption of the broken, silent-victim mentality of women. He has completed this through Christ. And now we are invited to walk as co-heirs with Christ, made in His Image, led by His loving Spirit.

Let’s stop acting like empowering men means for women to fall silent behind them. The objective is Husband and Wife rest in His loving embrace.

For the brave of heart:

I want to blow this topic way, way out and offer some piercing questions:

  • What did Jesus mean that we are co-heirs with Him? Is this for men only?
  • Who was Jesus talking about when he said has come to “set the captives free”? Does that mean everyone but women?
  • What do you do with men who say submission scriptures have been largely misinterpreted by men for centuries?
  • What does it mean that Christ is the head? How many heads do we need?

Take these back to scripture and to the Spirit who leads us in all truth. Listen to what He says rather than defend what you already think.