When Old People Make Young People Cry

I was re-telling some Zimbabwe stories today at the girls’ school. There are some funny ones and some sad ones. And one that really sticks out to me is when we went to the old folks home.

This place was even worse than other places we had seen. It was old people just sitting around waiting to die. No family, no provision, with literally a threadbare existence. If they had shoes, they were
busted open because they had worn out or were the wrong size to begin with. If they had clothes there were holes and tears in their shirts and pants.

We took a picture of their “pantry.” It had oil and meal to make sudza.  That was it.

Then sweet Laura Jones piped up and said, “What if we wash their feet and pray for them. Can we do that??”  She looked like an angel when she asked that.

My internal response was No Way. But my external response was a stammered, “Yes–Yes–we–can–”

And we did.  Here we were young, polished Americans on our knees with our slick American water bottles pouring out purified water on these dry, cracked black feet.

Then came the dull murmur as we prayed in our language over a people who did not understand a word we were saying. Yet we all believed that God had no problem with our dialect and accent.

I am not sure who was changed more. Us or them. I don’t think I have ever felt more like Jesus than when we washed those old, weak, dirty feet.

I am so glad that Jesus never stammered or hesitated to wash my feet. I am so glad that He is pleased to touch me and pray for me.

Father, I pray even now that the old folks in Zim and the team here are reminded about the crazy day that You showed up in the oddest way.

“Isn’t that a strange way to save the world. . .” Amen.

I know that You are for me…

This is the new song that the Lord “just happens” to have on the radio at the exact time that I am letting out one of those long, desperate sighs. Enjoy.

You Are For Me
by Kari Jobe

So faithful
So constant
So loving and so true
So powerful in all You do

You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
You love for me to sing to You

I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never
Forsake me in my weakness

And I know that You have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who You are

So patient
So gracious
So merciful and true
So wonderful in all You do

You fill me
You see me
You know my every move
And You love for me to sing to You

And Lord, I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never
Forsake me in my weaknesses

And I know that You have come down
Even if to ride upon my heart
To remind me

I know that You are for me
I know that You are for me
I know that You will never
Forsake me in my weakness

And I know that You have come down
Even if to write upon my heart
To remind me who You are

Setting Captives Free

  • Children working 12 hours days in a brick factory
  • 7-14 year old girls “servicing” grown men 12-24 times a day
  • Women walking in front of their husbands to be a buffer for land mines
  • Unborn children killed in their mother’s womb before they take their first breath
  • Men imprisoned and tortured because of their belief in Jesus Christ

These are only a few of the atrocities of our day. It can be sickening, overwhelming and even depressing if you think that there is nothing that can be done. Or will be done. Or worse, nothing that God can do to right the wrongs in His world. But Aslan is on the move.

I wanted to remind you what Wednesday August 18th said on Google: “Celebrating 90 years since the ratification of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote.”

Can you believe that there was a time in this great country, when women were so devalued that they could not vote? Can you believe there was a time when there were public hangings because of the color of a man’s skin? Can you believe that this generation finds it difficult to grasp that we held such foreign and ridiculous notions?

Yet here is the Hope of God moving through our world. He is the God of Vengeance. He is the God Who makes wrong things right. Just as the Cross paid for the sin of the world past, present and into the future, so the Holy Spirit is ever moving His body to speak truth and life into the darkness.

Go read Isaiah 61 again. Now do you remember what Jesus said after He read the same passage in the temple?  In effect He said, because I am on the scene, all this is done. It is finished. It’s not done yet, but it is finished.

When you hear of evil in our world, don’t wring your hands; raise them to the One Who promised that He would set the captives free. Then, now and forever.

Jesus, thank You that You are the reason we can Hope. Thank You Spirit, that you are ever working for justice in our world. And I pray that we would join You when You call Your Body to action. Be our life, be our hope, be our courage. Amen

How You Get to Know God

Begin a conversation. “Hi, how are you today?” is a remarkable what to begin a season of prayer. If. If you believe that you are really having a two sided conversation.

Likewise, reading your Bible is like a love letter and an instruction manual all rolled into one. Before you read anything, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal and to teach. It’s a prayer He loves to answer. You might need to get a different translation. The point of the Word is absorption, so find a Bible that you can understand.

In the beginning, read the Bible in this order. Read the gospel of John, then Acts. See what Jesus says about Himself. How He treats people. What He is capable of. Then see what people do when they believe in Him; see what they became capable of.

As you are reading, also read a Psalm or two a day, and read the corresponding Proverb for  the day. (Proverbs has 31 chapters, one for each day of the month.)

Psalm teaches you how to  worship. Proverbs teaches you how to live.

Then just begin the simple process of writing out what you are worried about or asking for, and then listen and write down what you hear…but also listen as you see billboards, get cards, have conversations, hear music. Simply learn to listen.

Keep babbling like that baby. Keep praying. Seek and you will find when you seek with your whole heart.

I promise you, it is so worth the effort. There is none like our God.
No, not one.

Why You Want to Know God

How do we “be” with God?

Well, how do you grow friendships? Fall in love? How do you learn anything? First you see or hear something that piques your interest. Then you see a benefit to yourself. It sounds selfish but it is true. We are drawn to new things and even people first by what we perceive we will gain from them or the relationships. Then there is a level of discovery and fascination that leads to more and more connection and appreciation. And then ultimately comes the phase where we want to invest and give of ourselves to that thing or person.

This makes the God-head the best Person in the world, ever.
(You know – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – Them.)

God is the most interesting, funny, perplexing, gentle and romantic Person I know. And our relationship grew over time, and continues to change, over time. There is an investment on both our parts, Theirs  and mine, to know and be known.

We both gain benefit from being in relationship. I enjoy Them. They enjoy me. But it didn’t start out that way. It was very one-sided.

It was all Them in the beginning.

Although I really thought it was all me in the beginning.

Let me explain. My friend Lyschel has a little girl named Blaire. And Blaire is not walking or talking but she thinks she is. She scrambles and stumbles around on legs not quite ready yet and she babbles and slaps her leg and carries on.  She really thinks she is the one putting forth all the effort in the relationship.

But really it is her mom and dad constantly engaging and talking and teaching her. They are the ones loving on her until she matures to the place they can really communicate.

In a very simple way, I think we begin our relationship with God the same way. We think we’re doing all the work with little results. But God. It’s not so.

If you feel like you are the one babbling and God is not really responding, keep babbling. Because every time you turn your heart to Him, you’re practicing. And one day you will realize that you have grown up and things are different. A conversation has begun that only gets deeper and richer.

Straight Stick Theology

DL Moody has this beautiful quote: The best way to prove if a stick is crooked is not to argue about it, but to lie a straight stick alongside it.

For example. You hear, “I am a worthless piece of sh–.”  “I am ugly.””I am alone, no one loves me.” They sound familiar and perhaps even convincing. And we waste time to debate and argue with ourselves or anyone else hearing any of these lies.

But if you take a bent stick and lay it next to a straight stick, you can clearly see which is which.  In the spiritual, try laying any lie next to the truth.

“I am a worthless piece of sh–, in Jesus’ name.”
“I am ugly, in Jesus’ name.”
“I am alone, no one loves me, in Jesus name.”

It just doesn’t work. You can’t do it. They don’t fit, can’t fit, will never lay side by side as straight sticks. In Jesus’ name, you can’t be worthless, because He died for you just to prove your worth. In Jesus’ name, you can’t be ugly because He has called you “all beautiful My
darling. ” And He never lies. In Jesus’ name, you can’t say you are alone and unloved because Jesus is the One Who promised to never leave you or forsake you.

Try this at home. Test your thoughts. Examine your heart. Let the peace of Christ rule in your head, heart and home. (Colossians 3:15) There is power in His name. He is the branch that all life is measured by.

Lord, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. (Ps 19:14)

God, Are You Working Too?

I woke up this morning with the bridge from a Passion song rolling around my head:

“In all things,  we know that
We are more than conquerors
You keep us by Your love”

This was one of those times I got the answer before the question. Because as my heart was singing (or hearing?) these words, my mind was waking up with a blur of questions about human trafficking, the violent spirit hovering over our world, Beth returning to Zimbabwe.

This is a lot before your first cup of coffee. I know He really is the answer to every thing we need. But somehow His answer is mobilized through our hands, legs, and heart. How do we “be” more than conquerors in His Spirit?

He reminded me of a Charis moment from this weekend. We were doing a house cleaning blitz on Saturday. Charis came up to me with her list in her hand. “Mom, while I am doing all this cleaning, are you and Dad working too?” she asked.

“Has there ever been a time when you were working that we were not doing more?”  I replied.

The Spirit stopped me in my tracks. Think Jana. Has there ever been a time that I was working, that God has not been doing more?

I will relay in coming blogs what I have learned about trafficking, but for today I want to reassure you that God is at work. In your lives, in the world. In His World.

Healing in Your Hands, Christy Nockels

No mountain, no valley, no gain or loss we know
could keep us from Your love
No sickness, no secret, no chain is strong enough
to keep us from Your love
to keep us from Your love

How high, how wide
No matter where I am, healing is in Your hands
How deep, How strong,
And now by Your grace I stand, healing is in Your hands

Our present, our future, our past is in Your hands
We’re covered by Your blood
We’re covered by Your blood

In all things, we know that
We are more than conquerors
You keep us by Your love

Life or Death

Proverbs 14:12 makes a frightening statement: “There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads only to death.”

Is this possible that I can be so insistent on my own way, so oblivious to all the danger signs, so in denial of the truth that my actions will result in death? Death of my own soul or body? Death of relationships? Death of others?

As a woman who has walked through abortion clinic doors and walked out a murdering, mangled mess, I see the reality of this wise word.  It seemed right, at the time. But in the end it led to death in many, many areas of my life and the lives of others.

But God. This warning proverb also has an inferred, mathematical hope. If the negative aspect of this proverb is true, then its counter positive aspect is also true: there is a way that seems right to God and in the end it leads only to life.

What are you facing? Is it is right to you or to God? Are you seeing areas of death in your life? Are you willing to follow God’s way and trust that despite the odds, it will lead to Life for you and life for people around you?

“Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know,” Jeremiah 33:3

Lord Jesus, protect us from willful sins. Give us a willing spirit to sustain us and to lead us in the way everlasting. We fix our eyes on You, the author and perfector of our faith. Amen

Fruit from Veggie Tales

My A/C went out for two days. Talk about miserable. You do remember that I just got back from AFRICA!! for Heaven’s sake?  But still I was amazed by my whole process of reactions.

When it went out, I wanted to complain: Really God? On top of everything else? Right Now? When I was sitting inside my house with sweat rolling down places it ought not roll, I was struck by my sense of entitlement: I need A/C. This is the sweltering South, we have to have it. But that didn’t last long, because I HAD just been to Africa. You don’t get have “needs” like that over there. Maybe we need to rethink “our rights.”

Then I began the repair process: How quickly can you get here? How much will it cost?

But that didn’t last long either…because God was really hammering into my heart, “You know, I really have all this handled. Even in this, are you looking to me?”

The great theologian, Madame Blueberry said that “a thankful heart, is a happy heart.” And Paul said “in all circumstance, give thanks.”

As I sit here in my finally cooled house with only a $100 bill to pay, I am really struck by the  privileges and benefits we share. I have to tell you, I don’t think I thank the God of the Universe very often for air conditioning. But today, I am exceedingly humbled and thankful for His goodness. And keenly aware that it is a Gift, not an entitlement.

Mom’s Perspective of The Father’s Plan

I am delighted to share a small peek into the transformation process as God prepares and equips His children for His work. As you know, Beth Hungerford is returning to Zimbabwe  a week from Thursday. (Please see the end of the blog for her outstanding needs and contact information.) What you may not know is all that God had to overcome to get her ready to go. Enjoy this perspective from her mom.


“My” child at age two cried not to go outside because there were bugs. Or later as a very quiet child would panic at the sight of a dog or animal in the distance at the ball park. She freaked out when on a field trip with no bathroom in sight and refused to go behind a tree to take care of business.

After graduating high school,  she did not want to go to college because she didn’t know what to major in. Then after finishing college decided to stay in Knoxville to fellowship with a group of young women to know God more so she was willing to take an entry level job. Now she will use her home schooling experience for others and hopefully her recreational therapy degree for the benefit of Zimbabwe teens half way around the world. How little did I see God’s weaving of her experiences into what is now a love of others, animals and outdoor life.

She has moved into a new level of trusting God as she seeks to hear Him. We have a new level of trusting God as her parents that it is His voice she hears. He loves her more than I and she is really His not mine.

Liz Hungerford


I love watching the Father work out His plan.  Please continue to pray for Beth as we all prepare to launch her into this next chapter. If you want to continue to be updated, please send an email to hungerjl@comcast.net with “Beth Update” in the subject line. You will be added to the group email prayer updates.

And for those of you who have asked, she is still praying in $2000 for her six month stay. You can send donations directly to her mom’s address below.

Liz Hungerford
8721 Simpson Rd.
Knoxville, TN 37920

Thank You, Lord, for Your plans that are for our good and not for harm. Thank You that we will find You when we seek You with all our hearts. We pray grace on Beth and those who must let her go. And we pray Your name be her shield and reward. Amen.