The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 18:21
Power, life and death. Let’s linger over these words a little longer.
Power is a God-like word that speaks of super-sized strength and ability.
Life is not just mere mortal life as we know it, not just bills and homework, but the life of Christ in us.
Death is when we agree with the enemy that all is hopeless and helpless.
All this on the tip of our tongues.
So put all these together and you have a dynamite-packed promise from God. Just as He spoke the world into existence, He gives us the same authority to speak, to declare, to choose His life of blessings and favor, or choose a death-like, God-less existence.
II Corinthians pushes even farther and says we have “divine power” to break every stronghold that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. The tongue is a vehicle that drives our decisions, beliefs, dreams.
Therefore speak life. Bless and do not curse. Speak life over your heart, your loved ones, your health and homes, finances and future. And watch God release His power, divine favor and strength into your reality.